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is the fossilized resin at a tree
(believed to be Hymenaea Courberil, still extant).
Most Dominican amber is from the lower early Miocene, and is between 20-25
millions years old. The main mines are underground
hand workings located
in the mountains between Puerto Plata and Santiago.
Dominican amber, which is considered amongst the finest, combines
excellent transparency with lovely color tones: yellows, oranges, reds,
browns, blacks, gold, silver, whites, greens, blue - same rarer, some more
common, some clearly visible, ethers extremely subtle.
Frequently insects, vegetation and even animals got trapped in
the sticky, hardening amber, and bear silent witness to primeval ages.
Preservation is often perfect and it is uncanny to hold, and behold
something that existed an inconceivably long time.
Some of there fossils are very rare and valuable. Amber is credited with
healing properties and an amber gift is supposed to bring fortune to the
recipient Amber's Greek name is Elektron and electricity was first
discovered by rubbing it All our modem electricity and electronics started
with... AMBER.