










The Numismatic history of the Dominican Republic

The indigenous communities seated in the Spanish Island or Hispaniola, located in the center of the Archipelago of the biggest Antilles, didn't know the uses and functions of the coin. This fact has become one of the basic differential factors in front of other countries of the world, that they used seeds of cocoa, perforated shells, leaves of coca, braided cotton or other objects in its commercial transactions by means of the direct exchange.

The first circulating coins in the New World were brought by the discoverers and European settlers that arrived to our beaches at the end of the XV Century.

The installation of a coin house in the New World are contained in the file of instructions given by the Catholic Kings to the Admiral Don Christopher Columbus, in 1497, before undertaking its third trip to the Western India. In these there were expressed orders of coining similar coins to those of the Spanish Kingdom with the gold extracted in India; which made the Hispaniola Island the most important point in the European outpost in America and, consequently of the civilization.

In the years of the first quarter of the XVI Century, appear the first protests for the lack of it's own coin that facilitated the commercial development. To that which Don Christopher de Tapia informed to the Spanish Court that: "because of not having coin, license is sent to work coins of gold and silver to buy goods for the production of sugar and other", which was carried out and then discontinued for the continuous losses of the money by cause of pirates and bad administrations.

Later on were coined in the city of Burgos two million maravedíes, in fleece and silver coins.

The marauding smugglers of the northern coasts introduced coins of the most diverse countries in Europe, which were frequently used between them and the inhabitants of the area.

Starting from 1856, the commercial development of the country was subject to the national bill, next to the Mexican coins of silver, staying this abnormality until final of the XIX Century. The coins of gold also circulated, for almost all the countries of America and Western Europe.

Before Columbus, America used grains of cacao like commercial units of exchange were used. In 1555, the viceregal authority of New Spain compared the real one from silver to 140 grains of cacao. The use of this "earth currency" lasted until well entered the XIX century.

To The Spaniard, the first European colony of the American Continent, it corresponds to us the privilege of having had the first coins: these circulated with exclusivity character in our world.

With the ascent of Trujillo to power, in 1930, a new political order was glimpsed that leaving from the cult to its personality. It impacted positively in the economic development and to the modernization of the country. It stimulated the development of most of the lines that composed the economic and social activities of the Dominicans.

The National Monetary System was reorganized. In 1947, the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, the institution that would regulate the monetary emissions in its successive was founded.

During the three consecutive periods of Balaguer, substantial innovations were introduced in the monetary field. Beginning with substituting the silver for the cupro-nickel in the coinage of the fractional coins and to emit commemorative coins of events of national and international fame. Besides being promulgated, a Law that modifies the definition of the weight gold of the Dominican Republic in function of the gold, with equivalence of 0.736662 grams of fine gold. This new law continues maintaining the official equivalence of the peso gold with the North American dollar, but it eliminated the gold with common denominator between the parity of our weight and the foreign coins, instituting in its place the coin of the United States of North America. The coin is part of the history and the culture is not only product of economic, social conditions and certain politicians, but rather also, as a sign of the money, it has influenced in the development of the society.



Created by MD Reference System
For Amber Gallery